Selasa, 02 November 2021

Security alert for

This is a copy of a security alert sent to is the recovery email for this account. If you don't recognize this account, disconnect it.
Soon you'll sign in with 2-Step Verification
After you enter your password, you'll complete a second step on your phone. Keep your phone nearby when you sign in.

2-Step Verification will be turned on automatically on November 9. You can turn this on sooner if you want — your account is all set.
Why is my sign-in changing?
Using a second step to sign in makes your account much more secure.
How this protects your account

How does it work?
After you enter your password, you'll tap a Google prompt on your phone or get a sign-in code to enter (charges from your carrier may apply).
Update your phone and recovery email
You received this email to let you know about important changes to your Google Account and services.

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