Selasa, 03 Juli 2018

IRL: The Grand Bargain

Listen to the IRL podcast from Mozilla
IRL. Episode 01. The Grand Bargain.
The Grand Bargain
We're told from a young age to "accept the things we cannot change." But should this be the case online as well? We click "accept" every day, but often don't know what we're giving away. Is it a fair trade, and should we demand a better bargain?

In this podcast episode, hear how one man's HIV status was exposed without permission, how a massive data-mining company is using our information to predict how we'll behave, and why on earth our email inboxes are filling up with privacy policies.

What is the IRL Podcast? Our online life is real life. We walk, talk, work, LOL and even love on the Internet – but we don't always treat it like real life. Host Veronica Belmont explores this disconnect with stories from the wilds of the Web – and gets to the bottom of online issues that affect us all. Whether it's privacy breaches, closed platforms, hacking, fake news, or cyber bullying, we the people have the power to change the course of the Internet, keeping it healthy, weird, and wonderful for everyone.

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