Selasa, 11 Januari 2011

Check out this send me a dollar site I found

click here ---> to donate a dollar
or visit my new site to send me a dollar to my retirement fund

I'm not asking to get rich, just begging for a little help retiring! I can achieve early retirement with your non-TAX DEDUCTIBLE contribution!

buy me a house, send me a dollar                 buy me a car, send me a dollar
I don't need a mansion            I don't need a Porsche

Help me retire! (send a dollar)

What I do need is a dollar, your dollar!

THAT'S RIGHT, I am begging you to send me a dollar (just one,
more is accepted)! THEY DON'T HAVE TO BE U.S.dollars EITHER.
Your donation enables me to invest in my 401K which is distributed in various stocks, bonds and other securities!

I know what you are thinking now; This website has not even caught my eye, isn't there any nude women or famous actors? Nope, at least not yet. However there is politics and vocabulary lessons though.


Now I bet your thinking hes just going to travel to exotic locations like: The Taj Mahal, Glen Coe, Machu Picchu, Hong Kong, San Marco, Great Pyramid, or Grand Canyon (I've lived in Arizona all my life and never seen the Grand Canyon). Nope, I am just looking to spend more time in my back yard with my kids, maybe take them to Disney Land.


You could do it just for the warm feeling that comes from helping a fellow human being!

You could do it to make a friend!

You can do it for the thank you!

You could do it if you are low on good Karma!



So one person sends $777,600 (yes you can round up to $800,000)

or One hundred people could send $7776 (less than a used car)

or One thousand people could send $777.60 (you probably have this in the bank)

or Ten thousand people could send $77.76

Now $7.78 does not sound like much at all (I would only need 100,000 people), but I am only begging you to send me a dollar. 

click here ---> to send me a dollar
or visit my new site to donate a dollar to my retirement fund

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