Toy has posted a new item, 'Liking my Comics: Legends Wolverine'
After having so much enjoyment come out of the wonderful world of Archangel, I
jumped onto and sought out the other figures I wanted from the line.
It turns out I got a few extra as well that I didnt know I wanted Funny how that
works Long story short, I have Wolverine from the Hit Monkey series, that is
also the same series that Archangel comes from. Oh and the good news? Online he
wasnt $30. Huzzah!This is Wolverine in his X-Force duds. Or so google tells me.
I first came across this costume as a costume in the rather fun Wolverine
Origins game that I bought for my PS3 many many moons ago. It was an unlockable
skin to take the place of the Jackman you usually have to play with. I must
admit that I quite like it. I thought my favourite Wolvey costume would be his
blue and yellow duds, but nope. This would be it here.
Despite it being part of the Hit Monkey series, there arent any actual Hit
Monkey parts included. Neither did Archangel have any. Odd, especially since
Wolverine doesnt come with any accessories. Odd but clever if you think about
it. People will buy Archangel and Wolverine regardless of whether they are
getting Hit Monkey or not. People will not buy, um, random-obscure-muscle-guy as
no-one knows who he is. I dont carer for Hit Monkey, so I am not fussed either
way.The packets has some nice artwork, with Wolveys face on the top and a whole
scene on the back. Interestingly, they have the same artwork for both sides, but
his left claw is angled down on the front and up on the back. Man, I want a
giant Sentinel figure now.
Oooh, look! there is the picture of Archangel that started all this Marvel toy
bizzo off. It still has the classic font and ink dots on the name, hes plastered
in his typical Wolverine look with claws out and ready to scratch. Mine has a
slightly wonky middle claw on one of his hand that I am attempting to
correct.The back has a larger version of the artwork with that sentinel on it.
I was surprised to see that Wolverine here doesn't have the multi-lingual bio
that Archangel had. Curious.
And there he is. What a nice looking toy I immediately thought. It too smelt
like crayons. The colours are nice and work together well. Annoyingly Wolvey has
slightly wonky knees, just like Archangel did too. There is a nice blackwash
that highlights the musculature and its over the important parts. The
silver/grey is a nice slightly shiny paint and really looks very nice indeed.
The moment I pulled this guy out of his case, it felt like a solid figure and I
had a good feeling about it.
The articulation is very good. Better than I expected to be honest. Double
jointed knees and elbows, bicep and thigh swivels, wrist swivels and hinges,
hinged shoulders with a swivel in there too, a diaphragm joint and waits swivel
as well. Due to the clean head sculpt he has a great range of movement in his
I was really surprised to see that his shoulders are connected to another point
of articulation that allows him to move his shoulders forwards and back as well.
I was taken aback when I discovered this, its an extra joint that is super handy
and I was chuffed to see it! Balance is fantastic, his ankles although very
adaptable are hindered by the boot belts, which is a shame as they dont bend up
Oh man, that is soooo nice.Out of the pack and I noticed that the ears on his
mask had been pushed quite close to his head. I know X-Force costume has smaller
ears than his normal one, but they still stick out a bit. Luckily they are soft
plastic and can be bent forwards. I think a bit of hair dryer action on them
will help them stay in place permanently.
I really like the sculpting on this dude. He has buckles on his forearm guards
and boots. Muscles, nice clean belt buckle and belt are also included. It almost
looks like he has steel capped boots on too! WOW! Paint details are pretty good
and I am pleased to say that
His face sculpt is lovely and stern. Check out that big jaw and slightly grumpy
face! I also dig the red eyes.
Mine seems to have a little bit of battle damage to the right side of his face.
That kind of OK with me though, adds a bit of character. The creases in his mask
are another nice touch, the frown is needed for his face.Now, lets have a look
at the real winners of this guy. His claws.
They are just beautiful. The right length to look good, with the middle one
being a tad longer, they appear to sit flush with the back of his hand, despite
being extra pieces. The plastic used is a good colour. They are magnificent.
After checking out some other peoples reviews, it has general consensus of being
the best Wolverine claws in a toy yet. I havent had any other Wolverines so I
cant say either way, but I will say I love these claws. Apparently you can take
them off as well, I havent tried yet but will later on. So you can have him
flick Cyclops the bird-claw, threaten people with the
face-frame-middle-claw-sheathed, or have him pop some brews with one. Or take
them all off for relaxing Wolvey. Brilliant.The wrist joints are incredibly
handy as well with a good range of spinning and bending motion.
So what we end up with on old Wolverine here is one damn fine action figure.
Sure, he might smell like crayons when you first get him out of the box, but
hey, who cares? This thing is incredible! Not only is it a good Legends figure,
its probably one of the better figures in this size range I have seen. Great
posing options, beautiful paints and colours and those incredible claws!
My only actual gripes about this toy is his hip joints (they are a bit
counter-intuitive), but I think that is to do with the design, as opposed to
just this figure and his size as Archangel had me thinking the same thing and I
think I know what it is. I just want to confirm it with another figure and his
height as he seems to be as tall as Archangel, where I am pretty certain in the
comic he is a bit of a short-arse. (He does scale well with some more colossal
characters I have recently acquired though) Oh and that blu tack there is meant
to straighten out my wonky claw. (It didnt work by the way). But aside from the
hip joints, which still have a great range of movement, this is a brilliant toy.
Get one, you wont be disappointed.
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Best regards,
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