1 Car has posted a new item, '"The Natives Are Massing"'
The photo above came from Interested Party, a To2C netizen and regular
commenter. The note accompanying the attachment was brief and succinct. Spotted
in a ColumbiaVillage. What does it mean?
At a minimum it means someone has thumbed their nose at their village
architectural covenants. Yard art has long been considered bad form inColumbia.
Whether or not it means anything at all besides a spring prank, for some odd
reason it made me think of the recent postings in the Howard County Citizens
Association listserv. I regularly surf through their discussions, just to keep
an eye on them. I dont really consider the HCCA to be a political threat but
HCCA members can usually be counted on to be against anything that involves a
developer. Being in the development business I like to keep tabs on what they
are up to.
Right now there is a big discussion going on about affordable housing and school
board member Ann DeLacy is all over that topic like goose poop on a lakeside
pathway. She thinks that subsidized housing should be more equally spread around
the county citing a concern about the lack of affordable housing in places like
Maple Lawn, Dorsey Search and River Hill.
Are the elected officials here in Howard County simply not interested in the
allocation of fair housing in all areas of the County?
Sounds like ADL may be trying to broaden her political base on the left side of
town. Naturally she links socio-economic diversity with education. Its why our
schools are so bad I suppose.
My favorite housing hypocrite is Alan Klein. You may recall that AK was kicked
to the curb by his full spectrum housing colleagues when the deal was cut on the
Downtown Columbia Housing Trust. Not matter what's negotiated, with AK its never
enough. This from a guy who lives in one of the only Columbia neighborhoods
thatdoesn'thave any multifamily housing let alone anything that could even
remotely be considered affordable. He likes affordable housing in your backyard,
just not his.
You gotta keep an eye on these folks, especially when they are massing
You may view the latest post at
Best regards,
1 Car
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