Rabu, 31 Juli 2024

Your Google Account was recovered successfully

Account recovered successfully

Welcome back to your account

If you suspect you were locked out of your account because of changes made by someone else, you should review & protect your account.
You received this email to let you know about important changes to your Google Account and services.
READ MORE - Your Google Account was recovered successfully

Your Google Account was recovered successfully

Account recovered successfully

Welcome back to your account

If you suspect you were locked out of your account because of changes made by someone else, you should review & protect your account.
You received this email to let you know about important changes to your Google Account and services.
READ MORE - Your Google Account was recovered successfully

Security alert

A new sign-in on Windows
We noticed a new sign-in to your Google Account on a Windows device. If this was you, you don't need to do anything. If not, we'll help you secure your account.
You can also see security activity at
You received this email to let you know about important changes to your Google Account and services.
READ MORE - Security alert

Selasa, 30 Juli 2024

Security alert

A new sign-in on Windows
We noticed a new sign-in to your Google Account on a Windows device. If this was you, you don't need to do anything. If not, we'll help you secure your account.
You can also see security activity at
You received this email to let you know about important changes to your Google Account and services.
READ MORE - Security alert

Your Google Account was recovered successfully

Account recovered successfully

Welcome back to your account

If you suspect you were locked out of your account because of changes made by someone else, you should review & protect your account.
You received this email to let you know about important changes to your Google Account and services.
READ MORE - Your Google Account was recovered successfully

Minggu, 28 Juli 2024

Pesanan (#O-240728-AGGDLPW) Telah Kami Terima


Pesanan Diterima

Hai boby irawan
Pesanan Anda akan segera kami proses, terima kasih.
Nomor PesananO-240728-AGGDLPW
Total PembayaranRp 79.001
Metode PembayaranCOD
Waktu Pembayaran28 July 2024 21:48 WIB
Nomor ReferensiT-240728-WMLZP
Toko Alfamart
Nama PenerimaBoby Irawan
No Pengiriman S-240728-AGKZBKW
Metode Pengiriman Kirim Ke Alamat
Jasa Pengiriman Kurir Internal
Estimasi Diterima 29 Juli 2024 07:00 - 21:00
Telp Penerima 085852501622
Alamat Toko / Rumah / Kantor dllJl. Randu Agung Gg. V Rt.03/Rw.03 [Jl. Raya Randuagung Jl. Randu Agung Gg. V No.4, RT.03/RW.03, Karangkunci, Randuangung, Kec. Singosari, Kabupaten Malang, Jawa Timur 65153, Indonesia]
Nama ProdukHargaQtySubtotal
Chupa Chups Permen Lolipop Krim Calcivita 10.5 gRp 2.0001Rp 2.000
Gaga 100 Ekstra Pedas Mie Instan Goreng Jalapeno 85 gRp 3.4008Rp 27.200
Indomie Hype Abis Mi Instan Goreng Ayam Geprek 85 gRp 3.10010Rp 31.000
Indomie Mi Instan Rasa Rawon Pedas Mercon 75 gRp 3.1005Rp 15.500
Indomie Mi Instan Kari Ayam 70 gRp 3.1005Rp 15.500
Subtotal:Rp 91.200
Discount:Rp 12.199
Voucher:Rp 0
Delivery Fee:Rp 0
Total:Rp 79.001
Rincian Pesanan
READ MORE - Pesanan (#O-240728-AGGDLPW) Telah Kami Terima

Sabtu, 27 Juli 2024

Pesanan (#O-240727-AGVWLFD) Telah Kami Terima


Pesanan Diterima

Hai boby irawan
Pesanan Anda akan segera kami proses, terima kasih.
Nomor PesananO-240727-AGVWLFD
Total PembayaranRp 52.700
Metode PembayaranCOD
Waktu Pembayaran27 July 2024 12:55 WIB
Nomor ReferensiT-240727-PHXJS
Toko Alfamart
Nama PenerimaBoby Irawan
No Pengiriman S-240727-AGZZPNR
Metode Pengiriman Kirim Ke Alamat
Jasa Pengiriman Kurir Internal
Estimasi Diterima 07:00 - 21:00
Telp Penerima 085852501622
Alamat Toko / Rumah / Kantor dllJl. Raya Surabaya-Malang Km.57, Buluagung [Jl. Raya Surabaya - Malang No.KM 57, Karang, Buluagung, Kec. Purwosari, Pasuruan, Jawa Timur 67162, Indonesia]
Nama ProdukHargaQtySubtotal
Bango Kecap Manis Refill 520 mlRp 26.5003Rp 79.500
Subtotal:Rp 79.500
Discount:Rp 26.800
Voucher:Rp 0
Delivery Fee:Rp 0
Total:Rp 52.700
Rincian Pesanan
READ MORE - Pesanan (#O-240727-AGVWLFD) Telah Kami Terima

Kamis, 25 Juli 2024

Keep your Timeline? Decide by November 19, 2024

READ MORE - Keep your Timeline? Decide by November 19, 2024

Selasa, 09 Juli 2024

Pesanan (#O-240709-AGZTVVH) Telah Kami Terima


Pesanan Diterima

Hai boby irawan
Pesanan Anda akan segera kami proses, terima kasih.
Nomor PesananO-240709-AGZTVVH
Total PembayaranRp 82.001
Metode PembayaranCOD
Waktu Pembayaran09 July 2024 10:21 WIB
Nomor ReferensiT-240709-YYDDD
Toko Alfamart
Nama PenerimaBoby Irawan
No Pengiriman S-240709-AGWCMZV
Metode Pengiriman Kirim Ke Alamat
Jasa Pengiriman Kurir Internal
Estimasi Diterima 07:00 - 21:00
Telp Penerima 085852501622
Alamat Toko / Rumah / Kantor dllJl. Raya Surabaya-Malang Km.57, Buluagung [Jl. Raya Surabaya - Malang No.KM 57, Karang, Buluagung, Kec. Purwosari, Pasuruan, Jawa Timur 67162, Indonesia]
Nama ProdukHargaQtySubtotal
Chupa Chups Permen Lolipop Krim Calcivita 10.5 gRp 2.0001Rp 2.000
Sunlight Sabun Cuci Piring Jeruk Nipis Refill 650 mlRp 15.00010Rp 150.000
Subtotal:Rp 152.000
Discount:Rp 69.999
Voucher:Rp 0
Delivery Fee:Rp 0
Total:Rp 82.001
Rincian Pesanan
READ MORE - Pesanan (#O-240709-AGZTVVH) Telah Kami Terima

Senin, 08 Juli 2024

Pengiriman Pesanan (# S-240708-AGHYBPW) Telah Selesai


Pesanan Selesai

Hai boby irawan
Pesanan Anda dengan nomor pengirimanS-240708-AGHYBPWtelah diterima pada tanggal08 July 2024 17:23 WIB
No Pesanan:O-240708-AGTDTFZ
Terima kasih telah Berbelanja di Alfamart
Toko Alfamart
Nama PenerimaBoby Irawan
No Pengiriman S-240708-AGHYBPW
Metode Pengiriman Kirim Ke Alamat
Jasa Pengiriman Kurir Internal
Estimasi Diterima 07:00 - 21:00
Telp Penerima 085852501622
Alamat Toko / Rumah / Kantor dllJl. Randu Agung Gg. V Rt.03/Rw.03 [Jl. Raya Randuagung Jl. Randu Agung Gg. V No.4, RT.03/RW.03, Karangkunci, Randuangung, Kec. Singosari, Kabupaten Malang, Jawa Timur 65153, Indonesia]
Nama ProdukHargaQtySubtotal
SPHP Beras Bulog 5 kgRp 62.5001Rp 62.500
Subtotal:Rp 62.500
Discount:Rp 0
Voucher:Rp 0
Delivery Fee:Rp 0
Total:Rp 62.500
Rincian Pesanan
READ MORE - Pengiriman Pesanan (# S-240708-AGHYBPW) Telah Selesai